Gözyaşı Lekelerini Nasıl Geçirebilirim ?


2300 Puan

fransız buldog köpeğimin koyu göz yaşı lekeleri var . ne yaptıysam olmadı . Eczaneden %3 lük borik asit hazırlattım olmadı hindistan cevizi yağıyla sildim olmadı . en son bu siteden bioline gözyaşı leke izi çıkartıcı sprey aldım o da olmadı . bu aldıklarımı makyaj temizleme pamuguna döküp siliyorum koyu lekeler pamuğa biraz olsun çıkıyo ama lekelerin renginde en ufak bir açılma yok .




Şu veterinerin yazısını okumanızı öneririm:

*Feed a high-quality, balanced, species-appropriate diet. The less unnecessary, indigestible stuff your pet's body has to deal with, the less stress on her organs of detoxification.
*Provide your pet with fresh, filtered drinking water instead of tap water, which is often high in mineral content or iron and other impurities, including chlorine and fluoride, which are toxic to pets.
*Replace plastic food and water bowls with stainless steel, porcelain, or glass. Worn plastic containers can harbor bacteria that may irritate your pet's face.
*I have used milk thistle, dandelion, olive leaf, chlorophyll, colostrum, and probiotics successfully to decrease the amount of staining in my patients.
*Clean your pet's face with colloidal silver, which is completely safe around the eyes. You can buy it at any health food store, in a spray or liquid dropper. Apply a little of the colloidal silver to a cotton ball and wipe your pet's face. Colloidal silver has antimicrobial properties and will help reduce opportunistic yeast infections and moist dermatitis that can occur in the corners of your pet's eyes.
*HALO makes an excellent herbal eye wash for pets. If your dog or cat is prone to excessive crusting or matting in the corners of her eyes, ask your groomer to shave the hair away so you can effectively clean the skin under the eyes. Using a dab of coconut oil on the moist "tracks" of skin where tearstains accumulate can also prevent the skin from becoming irritated and inflamed. When there is a skin infection present, my local veterinary ophthalmologist recommends using a diluted organic, tear-free baby shampoo on the skin twice a day until the infection resolves.
*Ask your holistic veterinarian for suggestions on one or several of the all-natural tearstain removal products on the market.



evet okudum yakın zamanda aşı için veterinere gideceğiz , yüzünde mantar yada herhangi bir enfeksiyon varmı diye bi danışayım kendisine . teşekkür ederim

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