Leader Pet Food is a brand of your country.
Does anyone knows?
How the eat?
Thank you all very much. LiderPet has spectrum foods.
spectrum was the company's best food.
I think there was reflex plus and reflex after the spectrum.
Lider Pet Food, ülkenizin bir markası.
Bilen varmı?
Nasıl bir mama?
Excuse me
Correction:''MAMALARI NASIL''
Ülkemizdeki çoğu mamadan daha iyi. Çoğumuz sokak hayvanları için reflex kullanıyoruz. Et oranı az ve koruyucu içeriyor bunlar kötü yanları. Tuz oranının az olması ve ********* yani bonacibo gibi fazla tatlandırıcı. içermemesi iyi.
It is better then proplan and royal canin.
I use reflex brand for my cat and enjoy brand for stray cats. They are not the best pet food but they don't contain too much salt like whiskas. But of course with that price, they don't contain too much real meat. My veterinary told me the enjoy contains soy protein. Still they are most reliable brands in turkey (i speak for reflex and enjoy, i didn't use other brands of lider pet)
Thanks again :)
its worse than N&D and Acana but Better than proline and whiskas
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